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Saturday 8 November 2008

The best of the rest in the short horror story competition

by Lotte Laing

Great Aunt Mary had always had an obsession with dolls. Every birthday she would send me a porcelain doll. I loved them, but after 13 years, they had begun to lose their magic, and now were hidden away inside my wardrobe.
But Belle was different.
“It’s from Aunt Mary.” said mum handing me the package.
I opened it and read the card.

Happy Birthday!
Her name is Belle,
just like you
Aunt Mary.

I picked up the large doll that lay on my lap. She was heavier than most, perhaps it was her large elaborate dress which was silver satin. She had beautiful golden curls that tumbled down round her rosy cheeked face. Her eyes were big and deep, deep blue. They looked so real, staring through mine...
“She’s nice! Come on...SCHOOL!” said mum.
I took Belle under my arm and carried her to my room. I carefully placed her on top of my shelf and looked at her. Was it just me or were her lips, slightly upturned, as though she was smiling to herself? No, it couldn’t be, I was imagining it. I closed my door and went off to school.
That night, I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t get the feeling of someone watching me out of my mind. I lay there, staring up at the blank ceiling, listening to the tick of the clock. Closing my eyes to try and help me relax. I cleared my mind and felt myself getting sleepier.
My heart skipped a beat. I had heard something in my ear ...like breathing, then a tiny, little girl’s giggle. I slowly turned my head to the side and saw something that took the breath from me. There, beside my bed, was Belle. All I could see was her pale face glowing eerily in the dark room. Her mouth was slightly upturned, like she was smiling. Her face was slowly getting closer and closer...
My eyelids were heavy but I forced them open. I tried to move my arms but it was impossible, and I realised what I could see. I was in my room, high up, as though I was on a shelf. I couldn’t even move my eyes; they were fixed, staring straight ahead. The door opened and a girl came in. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was me. The girl looked at me, reached up and took hold of me. She smiled ...an evil smile.
“A nice body you’ve got here!” she said turning and admiring herself in the mirror. “100 years Belle... it’s finally been 100 years... now it’s your turn,” she snarled as she walked over to my wardrobe. What was she saying? I couldn’t understand what she was going on about. She opened the large wooden door and threw me in, I was surrounded by the faces of all the other dolls. I looked at the girl; myself...
“100 years” she said once again and taking one last look at the daylight, she closed the door.

A Halloween Poem
by Amanda Boach

As a vampire came out at night

The dull orange pumpkins glow alight

The Vampire’s assistant came out to play

For a long long time, all night not day

So if you hear him children listen clear

He’s right outside your window, yes he’s near

He’s digging a spot just for you

Marking the place he’s going to push you through

He’s going to suck your blood and steal your soul

That is always a vampires goal.

So if you hear me children listen now

Fall to your knees and start to bow.

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