Spanish G+T club
Over the last year a group of three year 9s and five year 8s met every Thursday afternoon with Domingo (the Spanish language assistant) to improve and stretch our Spanish speaking skills.
We are: Lotte Blackwell-Green
Sean Lawless
Lucy O’Brien
Fiona Canniffe
Lilia Aryan
Lanah Rashid
Francina Escudero
Jodi Kiang
At the beginning of the year we were chosen by our Spanish teachers to take part in this club because we were seen as gifted and talented. Each module we chose a project to work on and when we had finished we would present it to the teachers and the French and German club. It was great fun and we learnt a lot, not just about the language but also more about Spanish culture and Spanish people.
We did a mixture of projects ranging from Spanish music, where we sang our own rendition of Shakira’s ‘Estoy aquĆ’ to cooking Spanish food, where we burnt the flan. It was yucky!
We all had a fantastic time getting to know each other and Domingo, and learning more about the Spanish culture. It has been an experience we’ll never forget.
Lotte: ‘This year has been great. Doing different projects on Spain has been really fun. Domingo was really nice.’
Sean: ‘The club gave us a good opportunity to learn Spanish outside the classroom doing different activities.’
Lucy: ‘My best bit of Spanish club was doing all the presentations with my friends and having a laugh making the flan, even if it did go slightly wrong.’
Fiona: ‘I liked playing the Spanish games and making the presentation for Spanish sayings because we had such a laugh!’
Lilia: ‘I enjoyed it a lot because we explored different areas of the Spanish culture that you wouldn’t normally do in lesson. The cooking presentation was the best.’
Lanah: ‘I loved the whole of Spanish club, but one of my main memories was getting messy crushing tomatoes with Jodi using a garlic press.’
Francina: ‘I enjoyed when we went to food tech and we made pan con tomate and flan, which went wrong!!!’
Jodi: ‘This year has been full of memories. I’ve loved it all, but some things that have been really great are making new friends and having a laugh together, doing some crazy things, like singing (hey, all in the name of education). Getting to know Domingo has been really great too. He is such a star! I’ve learnt so much about Spanish culture and it has really helped to improve my Spanish!’
All that is left to say is ‘MUCHAS GRACIAS’
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