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Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Working at a Veterinary Surgery

by Sophia Rafferty.

I did my year 10 work experience last year at a veterinary surgery. I am hoping to become a vet myself so it was a great experience and I learnt a lot about the job. My main duties were cleaning out the recovery cages and the cattery, observing consultations which are just the everyday visits including booster injections, bladder problems and any minor injuries. Observing operations, which was probably the most interesting part. I saw a dog have his kidney stone removed; it was huge, probably about 8 centimetres in length! I saw a lot of castrating and spaying which are general procedures. Others included dental procedures, blood tests and two x-rays. I also did some reception work, which must have been the dullest bit, and rearranging the pet shop which they have attached to the surgery. I even got to use a dentistry machine on a dog give an injection to a cat!

It was only a week long but it was a really enjoyable experience, the vet and the nurses were really friendly and still say hello to me when I come in with my cats. I came back during the Christmas holidays for another full week and again in the next half term for a few days. I would be willing to give the details to anyone who wants them, so if you are interested in becoming a vet and would like to work there then feel free to ask.

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